Joseph H. Pilates, born in Düsseldorf in 1880, had a sickly childhood; asthma, rheumatism and frailty… However, at a young age, through skiing, gymnastics, bodybuilding, he developed himself and his body. He then started boxing while he was working in the circus. Later, during the World War I, he started to work in a hospital in England. He started to develop his own healing methods on wounded soldiers. During the influenza pandemic of 1918, Pilates and his technique gained fame. While many people were dying in England, the soldiers whom J. Pilates worked with were not affected by the virus at all. After the war, when Pilates returned to Germany, he was offered to work with the German policemen, but he refused, instead went to the United States and opened his studio. He started to work with professional dancers in his studio who were injured. The Pilates method quickly became widespread, especially among the dancers of Martha Graham and George Balanchine.
Joseph Pilates’s idea: To have a healthy body enough to enjoy life.
Joseph H. Pilates’ method called Contrology, is a synthesis of balance, breathing and movement systems that put forth the integrity of mind and body. This is a system that depends on the strengthening and flexing – especially the inner abdominal – muscles for the protection of joints and bones for life.
Improve posture
Increases whole body energy
Strengthens all main muscles
Provides better stamina
Enhances athletic performance
Oya Gürcan
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